Saturday, May 26, 2007


Recently we've engaged in a couple of conversations about the value of genetic evaluation tools like our Canadian Lifetime Profit Index. It seems that some people equate animals who rank high on this listing - be they male or female - as being high production cattle only! It is interesting to speculate where this concept comes from and why it is so ingrained in some mindsets. In truth, animals are evaluated for their estimated transmitting abilities for fat and protein production and type or durability traits and health and fertility or fitness traits as components of the LPI. While we'll be doing some "technology transfer" on this topic in the pages of the Canadian Jersey Breeder in coming issues a few points are worth noting now.

Overall emphasis in the breed-specific formula for Jersey are 57% production, 33% durability and 10% health and fertility. In greater detail, the weightings within the production component for Jersey are (out of a total of ten) 5.1 protein yield, 0.9 protein percent, 3.4 fat yield and 0.6 fat percent. Our emphasis on yields is lower than the other breeds and our emphasis on percents is notably higher. Durability considers ratings for herd life, mammary system, feet and legs and dairy strength with the three type traits receiving descending emphasis in the order they are listed.

Within the health and fertility section, somatic cell score, udder depth, milking speed and daughter fertility are all considered. Again, Jersey varies from most other breeds by placing more emphasis on somatic cell score, udder depth and milking speed than daughter fertility. Part of the decision was based on the fact that Jerseys excel when compared to other breeds for daughter fertility.

The exact emphasis within the Jersey breed was developed by our Genetic Improvement Committee and recommended, as stated above, to the Board of Directors of Jersey Canada who approved it for implementation by Canadian Dairy Network, Canadian supplier of genetic evaluations.

In recent years the Genetic Improvement Committee have done pedigree studies of the high ranking LPI cows in Canada. The discovery was that most of the high-ranking cows come from deep pedigrees with numerous generations of high scoring cows or higher scoring cows for the herd of origin. There is usually good/above average production evident for generations and sometimes quite excellent performance for health traits.

While slavish devotion to the exact rankings of cows or bulls on these lists could end up being overly restrictive and cause narrowing of genetic bases they do serve as a terrific genetic direction tool. Canadians love balanced cows and balanced genetics. We want productive cows with strong type who are healthy and last a long time. It would be both prudent and wise to consider what the LPI lists tell us and to shrewdly consider what the true capabilities of high ranking cattle, male or female, really are. Take a look at the top few LPI bulls and think about what characteristics their proofs have.
Food for thought!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Jersey Canada Milk Marketing Page!

Be sure to check out the new Jersey Canada Milk Marketing Page, available at It will serve as a portal for all dairy producers to access up-to-date milk marketing information from across Canada. Also, the site features the Milk Blog, a place for milk producers and Jersey breeders to discuss and debate issues in milk pricing, market development, and the greater dairy industry.

Log on today and check it out!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Website Update - Unique Valleystream Genetics

Unique Valleystream Genetics / Unique Stock Farms has just updated and refreshed their website, designed and hosted by Jersey Canada. Included is updated information on some of their top cow families, as well as recent results from the spring shows!

You can access it at

Earl Vander Meulen Memorial Award

This award is established by his friends to remember the late Earl Vander Meulen. It will be presented annually to the person that best exemplifies the qualities and values that Earl held dear. The presentation of this award to one individual will take place during the Jersey Show at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.

This award commemorates Earl’s strong character, and recognizes his legacy of caring for family, establishing life long friendships, a strong faith and love of the farm. The recipient will be of high integrity, display a positive attitude and progressive leadership skills, involvement in the dairy industry and other community organizations.

Written nominations, must be received by Jersey Canada by September 1st, 2007. Applications are available from the Jersey Canada office at 9-350 Speedvale Avenue West, Guelph, Ontario N1H 7M7. Applications are open to anyone involved in the dairy industry - you need not work with Jersey cattle directly. The applications will be forwarded to the selection committee to determine the winner.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Everyday is a feast

Thus goes a quote I picked up from Pierre Marx of Semex SA on a recent marketing trip to the thoroughly glorious country of South Africa. On a radiant spring day in May like today here in Ontario, Canada-sun, clear skies and not much wind-it is so easy to believe that everyday is indeed a feast! Pierre's quote ties in perfectly with a quote from a rather Good Book that says: "But he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast!!"

Days like today prove a statement from our Universal Queen Mother of the Jersey Breed Ann(i)e Perchard at La Ferme on Jersey, the home of the breed. The phrase I learned from our beloved Annie is that "May is the Queen of the year!" Those who live in the northern hemisphere will be able to relate to the sentiment behind that quote!

So, what does this have to do with the Jersey breed or am I just exercising my OTT (over the top) extreme passion for writing and rambling? :-)

Actually in the Jersey breed in Canada these days every day is indeed a true and rich feast!
Things are happening now that are either exceedingly rare or unique in the 106 year history of Jersey Canada! Recently we processed four new memberships in a 24 hour period! That is uncommon to say the least! Based on our historically high 2006 memberships that is a .4 of 1% increase in membership in 24 hours!

We are awaiting the unveiling of our new true type model and have just had some powerhouse, blockbuster committee meetings these past two weeks! These committees are aggressively developing input for our Strategic Planning Committee who will create a proposed plan for the board over the next five months. It is exciting to be part of the energy that overflows at these meetings! So much positive, crackling energy abounds! So much hope and desire for more and better things for the breed are expressed!!

The long and short of it is that Jersey Canada intends to be around for a good long time as we work with the Jersey breed to usher in a good, good future!
Every day truly is a feast of new ideas, possibilities, opportunities, information that can be used for action and hope! Let us be open to all this and then run with it! Enjoy the scrumptious and delectable feast that awaits you every morning and all day long!!!

High on life and spring! RGG

Friday, May 4, 2007


Welcome to the brand new Jersey Canada Blog! It has been created to provide a space for opinion pieces on the Jersey breed in Canada, and to also provide a means for discussion of Jersey events and news! If you would be interested in contributing something to the blog, contact me (Ryan) to get you set up! And check back often - we look to have regular updates to the blog!!