Monday, September 3, 2007

Going Global-the story keeps getting better...and better!

Well, we thought there was only so much a ten day period could offer up with regard to international Jersey movement impacting Jersey Canada! We now know there is a deepening sea of good things to report!

Late last week we were told by one of our keen Canadian Jersey owners and marketers that they had received some great Jersey news from Australia! The Canadians had sent a shipment of embryos from a selection of their top cow families to an associates in Australia. Results? 17 pregnancies on the way! This represented a VERY high percentage pregnancy rate on embryos in the shipment!

Then, just yesterday, Sunday, an e-mail came through from Australia from another party who reported that they had 19 embryo transfer calves on the ground from embryos representing six matings "made in Canada". They were so excited by these calves and to have them in their herd!

There is no question that potential to expand markets for Jersey genetics around the globe is virtually unlimited! VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Going Global-more and more and more

We thought when we had posted the latest blog on August 26th that it would be challenging to say much more about Jersey Canada and international Jersey activity and new countries for a while! Well, we were in for a surprise!

Along came a day with a date of August 29th! On that day we had contact about potential interest from Russia in live Jerseys; an inquiry from India about Jerseys; another phone call from an American gent who does business with Barbados and a request from the US for information on embryos! Plus we were working on a congratulatory certificate for the 30th anniversary of the National Jersey Association in Costa Rica and planning the upcoming visit of a delegation from China who want to work with Canadian dairy genetics and Canadian systems and services! And that's just a slice of what was happening that day! Exciting? Oh yes! Energizing? Oh yes! Motivating? Truly!

We are fully convinced that the Jersey breed on a global basis is coming into its very finest hours ever and there is a key role for everyone to play in ensuring that those hours are profitable and sustained!

As I love to say - Onward!!!!