Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Registry Update is Exciting!

There are now 1092 herds in Canada with at least one Jersey on milk increase from 1004 just last year! Since 2001, there has been an 80% increase in the number of herds with Jerseys, in an age of decreasing herd numbers! Amazing! About 11% of Canadian dairy herds on milk recording now have one or more Jerseys!

There has also been an increase of about 10% in the number of Jersey cows on official test in Canada since 2001...with continuing increases in registry numbers, this should just continue to grow!

As of the end of November, Jersey Canada is 3.6% ahead of 2007 year-to-date for registrations. As well, Jersey Canada will have it's best membership total since 1968, with 909 members as of December 1st. There have also been 164 new herd prefixes registered in 2008, with a total of 674 new prefixes registered since Jan exciting!!

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