Thursday, August 20, 2009

Quotable quote

When in my home province of Nova Scotia at the very begnning of August I had occasion to visit with the Dillman family of Musqie Valley Farm. (Now, Musqie must be one of the very few words in the English language where q is not followed by a u but we'll skip the off-topic spelling chat for the moment!)

As we stomped around seeing Holsteins and Jerseys and Ayrshires it became obvious that the senior partner Poppa John Dillman was having some challenges with the increasing "browning" of the family's dairy herd. Finally he proclaimed: " Those little brown things are taking over the world!!" I was ready to pounce! My fast reply was: "And can I quote you on that?" In a split second he responded: "Yes, you can!"

So, Poppa John your words are listened to and they are heard!

You said it. We dare not argue. We shall simply report! :-)

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