Monday, December 7, 2009

The Race to Stay Current

Seems like every time we go to print, publish or present some Jersey material we run the extreme risk of being out of date within minutes! Case in point - last week we had the privilege of making a presentation entitled "Celebrating The Jersey Miracle" at an historic annual meeting of the Manitoba Jersey Cattle Club at the Manitoba Dairy Conference. As is so often the case, we were busy putting finishing touches (okay, honesty hour - creating it for the first time!!) on the presentation on Tuesday afternoon December 1 before a Wednesday afternoon flight to Winnipeg (aka Winterpeg)! We thought we were really up to date!

Amongst all the state of the union/status updates, we were beyond chuffed about our 2009 membership total which had climbed to 1,020 as of Monday the 30th of November! And so up to date, we thought!

Got to Manitoba on Wednesday meeting and met up with our Jersey "Man In Motion" Jean-Marc Pellerin, who was fresh from two and a half days work in British Columbia. Jean-Marc had been waving the Jersey flag on behalf of Jersey West/Jersey Canada with much help from BC National Director Anita Norrish. Well, what did J-M have for news? Five new members! New total for 2009? 1,025 - highest in 42 years, but you knew that, eh?

So, on Thursday morning I had to report to the Manitoba meeting that our Power point slides created about 40 hours earlier were already slipping into "outdatedness"! Frankly, I LOVED doing so! Any idea how much fun it is to be involved in a breed where upward trending and "change are the only constants"??? Answer: LOTS!!!

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