Thursday, February 18, 2010

In praise of and celebrating "Comeback Kids"

Recently the Eastern Ontario publication " Farmers Forum" published an article with the title "Comeback Kid". The article was about Rob and Jody Beggs and family of North Gower in the Ottawa Valley and their decision to re-enter the ranks of milk producers! It has been a few years since the Beggs family have milked Jerseys with the well-known Cranbrook prefix. Now, they are back at it with a young family and great enthusiasm!
We recall a time just over 18 years ago when a then very young Rob was showing a really nice cow named Cranbrook Ray's Lee, Ex in the big leagues at the National Jersey Show at the RAWF. And not just showing her but doing really well in the fast company of veteran showmen!

All industries need renewal! The Beggs family are not the only young people who have returned to milking cows-and indeed Jerseys, in this region within the last six months!
We have been encouraged by the number of new entrants and re-entrants to the dairy industry who have chosen to milk herds of all or a large percent Jersey! The trend seems to be growing!

May all these folks find ways and means of drawing a good living from the industry and making a positive contribution by producing a valuable, high quality product!

Jerseys are unquestionably the "comeback kids" of the global dairy industry and it is great to see keen and able young people like Rob and Jody decide to work with our growing breed!

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