Saturday, January 16, 2010

Is this Canadian Jersey the World's First Fifteenth Generation Excellent Jersey?

We think so! We do know that at least two Holsteins in the USA were the frist fifteenth generation excellent dairy cows in the world in recent years! This cow's aunt was the world's first fourteenth generation excellent dairy cow on January 15, 2002. The cow's dam was the second fourteenth generation Excellent Jersey. Since then two more maternal sisters to this pair have been deemed Excellent! Al bred in Canada, three still here and one in the USA!
The main event happened on Thursday, January 14, 2010!
The cow was bred in Quebec but has resided in Central Alberta since mid-2005!
Any guesses?
We'll "reveal all" soonest!



Anonymous said...

Would it happen to be Norval Acres Vision Donna! So happy for them! We still have on-time embryos from her dam if anyone is interested...

Russell G Gammon said...

Hello Anonymous! You are right on the money! Vision Donna it is! It might be hard for anyone to buy embryos if they only know you as anonymous! :-) We know Pierre Boulet owns the dam NAs Saturn Deva!