Sunday, January 10, 2010

The reading of minds

Hm...sometimes you get a start when you realize that others are having thoughts very similar or identical to yours!
Let me describe the latest case of such that I've been involved in!
Early this past rapid-paced week Carol Murphy of Ontario, as avid a fan of the Jersey breed as there is contacted me and suggested that we should be "picking the fertile brains" of our Canadian Jersey elder statesmen and stateswomen. Carol's contention was that they should be asked for their advice on how the breed could be guided and also their dreams for the future of the breed. Made sense to me!

Later in the week I completed the most fun news release I have ever written about Jersey Canada doings. The release recounted our blockbuster year in 2009 and how we were geared up for the future. I e-mailed this release to James Johnston, capable herdsman at the Thompson family's Pine Haven Jerseys in Oxford, Nova Scotia and his wife Meranda. When sending it I noted that James had once told me about the ribbing he had taken in 4-H in his native province of New Brunswick for being "the kid with the Jersey calf" while everyone else had the larger black and white or red and white cattle. Hold that thought.

Today, while driving to Guelph from the Fergus highlands I was reflecting upon those who have supported and led the Jersey breed through " thick and thin" times. Because of their persistence and determination and wisdom and brilliance and belief in and love for the Jersey cow we of today's generations enjoy all the roaring Jersey excitement and soaring we live in now! My thoughts turned to legendary Jersey giant Jim F. Cavanaugh, now 92 and still in the Columbus, Ohio, USA area. Jim was Executive Secretary of US Jersey from 1956 to 1985 and quarter-backed one of the great reversals of fortune a dairy breed has ever known in world history. With a willing team of smart fellow players an ongoing glorious victory for the Jersey breed was snatched from the jaws of almost certain defeat". The breed, rather than regressing, moved ahead mightily, a forward progression still gaining speed and momentum in many lands today! So, I thought, I shall send Jim's son Paul that fun e-mail about Jersey Canada success in 2009 that I had forwarded to James and Miranda Johnston on Friday. I'll ask Mr. Cavanuagh to present Jim with the news release with our thanks for his pivotal part in the process.

Here's where it gets weird...well I hunted out Paul Cavanuagh's e-mail address....I heard the gentle but noticeable "ping" that told me I had mail, new e-mail.
Well, there was a message from James Johnston in Nova Scotia which read....

"The breed sure has come a long way. Back in 4-H I never would have dreamed of not just the acceptance Jerseys have acquired, but the demand! As I think of the people who gave me a hard time for showing a Jersey calf, most of them have now added Jerseys to their herds! I guess the sky is the limit-and according to the numbers in this news release the sky keeps getting higher! The die-hard Jersey breeders must be thanked. They kept on when the breed was near "outcast" status, and continued to breed the type of cow that the modern industry has now evolved into requiring. Constantly amazed, James"

To all of which we would say a loud and boisterous "Amen, Brother!" and "Preach it!"

Thus the thoughts converge and we dare to say "great minds think alike"! We should be SO thankful for the past fans and supporters and capable breeders leaders and true Champions of our breed. A paraphrase of that popular expression comes to mind: "If we can see a great future while enjoying great success today it is because we are standing on the shoulders of giants!"

Thank you giants of the Jersey breed! We soar today because of you!

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