And I would guess the best way to begin is.......a Jersey, a tip of the hat to the legendary Old MacDonald who had a farm!
Late this past week Adrian Haeni, First Veep of Jersey Canada and a team leader at Lone Pine Jerseys
in Alberta told us a brief but interesting story.
He had trucked four of the family's mature cows to a Holstein Judging school farther north in Alberta. The Moreys of Unique Valleystream Genetics had done the same deed with four of their older cows and Markus Hehli had sent his best mature Jersey on a trip with the same destination.
This marked the first time that Jerseys had been part of this event. We're sure they were an impressive group who represented the breed well and also provided a good challenge to place!
We were reminded that Kristie Rivington of Jersey Ontario had told us that of nine classes placed at the Ontario 4-H inter-county judging competition three consisted of Jerseys!
Yes, the breed is certainly making rapid advances in profile and we "heart" that!
There are a few million other examples of where Jersey people have stepped up and made their cows available for examination by the dairy public further enhancing the breed's image and visibility!
All together now for a rousing rendition of: "Everywhere a Jersey, Jersey"!!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I can't stop thinking big
In 2011 a new album will be released by the iconic Canadian rock band Rush. One of the songs on this forth-coming album has already been released. It is called Caravan. The lyrics are unusual and fresh. The central theme and main line of the song seems to be the refrain " I can't stop thinking big". Like any good refrain it is repeated a number of times amidst the guitar riffs and other musical goings on!
What a great short sentence! Think about it: I can't stop thinking big! What an excellent predicament! Sometimes we let life restrict us to small thinking and living below our God-given potential
On the other hand when we let our imaginations run free and our hopes soar and feel our pulses quicken we can see into the future with brilliant positivity!
We had such an experience recently when a number of Jersey breed leaders from across Canada sat down in an wonderful church in Belleville, Ontario called Maranatha Church. The goal of the conclave was to work up a draft base for a brand new strategic plan for Jersey Canada to cover 2011 to 2013.
Thankfully our team of about a dozen, led by facilitator Jo Anne Henderson, were, to a person, people who "can't stop thinking BIG"!!!
Long before the draft has been vetted and doctored and then approved it has already impacted and revised our thinking.
Why settle for small paltry dreams? Why not the best? Why not having the best days for Jersey Canada and its members still ahead of us? Why not dreaming about touching the sky and then propelling upward into the absolute stratosphere?
Why not think big, talk big and then act big and work and make it happen?
Apply this kind of approach to your entire life and see what transpires!??
The world needs more big thinkers who will then step up and speak out and actualize their big thinking!
We've found time and time again that when you set great goals and are definite and clear about them
something fine and indeed awesome happens. Either you're drawn to achieving the goals or the achievement of them comes closer to you and you start to see miracles happen!
Try it!
Thank you Rush for a renewed stimulus to become fixed on thinking big!
What a great short sentence! Think about it: I can't stop thinking big! What an excellent predicament! Sometimes we let life restrict us to small thinking and living below our God-given potential
On the other hand when we let our imaginations run free and our hopes soar and feel our pulses quicken we can see into the future with brilliant positivity!
We had such an experience recently when a number of Jersey breed leaders from across Canada sat down in an wonderful church in Belleville, Ontario called Maranatha Church. The goal of the conclave was to work up a draft base for a brand new strategic plan for Jersey Canada to cover 2011 to 2013.
Thankfully our team of about a dozen, led by facilitator Jo Anne Henderson, were, to a person, people who "can't stop thinking BIG"!!!
Long before the draft has been vetted and doctored and then approved it has already impacted and revised our thinking.
Why settle for small paltry dreams? Why not the best? Why not having the best days for Jersey Canada and its members still ahead of us? Why not dreaming about touching the sky and then propelling upward into the absolute stratosphere?
Why not think big, talk big and then act big and work and make it happen?
Apply this kind of approach to your entire life and see what transpires!??
The world needs more big thinkers who will then step up and speak out and actualize their big thinking!
We've found time and time again that when you set great goals and are definite and clear about them
something fine and indeed awesome happens. Either you're drawn to achieving the goals or the achievement of them comes closer to you and you start to see miracles happen!
Try it!
Thank you Rush for a renewed stimulus to become fixed on thinking big!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Breeder is now online!
Since the August - September 2010 issue of the Breeder was made available on the website for free on Tuesday, August 10th, over 180 people have read the magazine! In just two days!
You can find the Breeder online here and can be viewed in a flip book format or can be downloaded as a PDF.
Jersey cheese featured in the Globe and Mail
La Belle de Jersey, a cheese produced by Les Bergeries du Fjord in the Lac St-Jean region of Quebec, has been featured in the Globe and Mail, one of Canada's national newspapers.
Globe and Mail - Belle de Jersey
This cheese is made from the milk provided by the Jersey du Fjord herd from Laterriere, Quebec. The "Belle de Jersey" name comes from the fact that a certain percentage of the herd is descended from the great Duncan Belle!
Globe and Mail - Belle de Jersey
This cheese is made from the milk provided by the Jersey du Fjord herd from Laterriere, Quebec. The "Belle de Jersey" name comes from the fact that a certain percentage of the herd is descended from the great Duncan Belle!
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