Sunday, August 15, 2010

Here a Jersey, there a Jersey, everywhere...

And I would guess the best way to begin is.......a Jersey, a tip of the hat to the legendary Old MacDonald who had a farm!
Late this past week Adrian Haeni, First Veep of Jersey Canada and a team leader at Lone Pine Jerseys
in Alberta told us a brief but interesting story.

He had trucked four of the family's mature cows to a Holstein Judging school farther north in Alberta. The Moreys of Unique Valleystream Genetics had done the same deed with four of their older cows and Markus Hehli had sent his best mature Jersey on a trip with the same destination.
This marked the first time that Jerseys had been part of this event. We're sure they were an impressive group who represented the breed well and also provided a good challenge to place!
We were reminded that Kristie Rivington
of Jersey Ontario had told us that of nine classes placed at the Ontario 4-H inter-county judging competition three consisted of Jerseys!

Yes, the breed is certainly making rapid advances in profile and we "heart" that!

There are a few million other examples of where Jersey people have stepped up and made their cows available for examination by the dairy public further enhancing the breed's image and visibility!

All together now for a rousing rendition of: "Everywhere a Jersey, Jersey"!!!

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