Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Art of The Possible.....

One of the great joys for those involved with Jersey Canada has been the steady growth in both the people and the animal sides of our business that we've seen over the latest decade! This current decade has commenced with another year that looks like the trend is going to continue and amplify!

Allow us to provide a sampler of stimulating news on Jersey advancement in Canada in 2010:

-One of the most important aspects of a company's business life is the ability to keep growing as evidenced by new people making investments in the breed. Our success in this area has been nothing short of astounding in recent years! Many people are buying their first Jerseys now. A goodly percentage of these new buyers are settling in to owning Jerseys. They express their longer-term commitment by registering a herd prefix. This act signifies that they plan to register Jersey cattle.

As of the latter part of September we had registered 108 new herd prefixes since January 1, 2010.
This accomplishment marks the fifth consecutive year that Jersey Canada has registered more than 100 new herd prefixes in a year! Results from the last quarter of the year are still to be tallied. It does appear that by January 1, 2011 we'll be enjoying and celebrating our fifth consecutive year with over 130 new herd prefixes registered!

Add to this good news the fact that since January 2004 we have registered well over 930 new herd prefixes and you can see that a significant growth trend is well under way!

Continuing on the people side it is encouraging to see that our 2010 membership total is slightly ahead of our 2009 year-to-date total! 2009 was our best year for memberships since 1967, over four decades earlier! We'll see where we land but for now things look promising!

With regard to animal-related activity it is neat to be able to report that we are ahead of our 2009 registration total. The 2009 year end registration stat was the highest since 1985, 24 years earlier and the second best annual finish since 1969. If all continues as it is now we'll be at our highest level since 1969 this year!

Transfers of animals are slightly behind the 2009 total.

And how are those registrations arriving at Jersey Canada? More and more arrive as an electronic file!
This year we are running at 57.6% of registration applications submitted electronically after nine months. Last year we set an all time record of 57.2% electronic. We are convinced that we'll see the first year in history over 60% this year!

To think that many of our measures of activity are the best they've been in over 40 decades in a radically changing industry is both exciting and motivating! And then when one dreams about how much more we'll grow during this new decade the motivation factor expands!

It is understandable that questions arise after a period of sustained and steady growth. Will this continue? Will things get even better? Is that possible?
For now the answer appears to be that the upward trajectory of the last five to ten years is being well-maintained! Now that's exciting and inspires us to dream of even more growth! Go Jersey!

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