Friday, October 29, 2010


In our most recent post we commented on the significant increase in numbers of Jersey cows involved in milk recording programs in Canada over the latest nine years. We also trumpeted the fact that the number of milk-recorded herds that contain Jerseys had jumped by 96% over the same time period!!

As with so much in life there is "a story behind the story". A couple of regions of the country really experienced super-significant growth during those nine years.

Western Canada is really interesting in that the number of herds containing Jerseys more than doubled from 2001 to 2010-up 106% from 62 such herds up to 128 as of September 2010! The number of Jerseys on milk recording also outstripped the fine national increase of 19.6% by landing at 34.5%!

In The East the province of Quebec has been at the center of a very positive Jersey explosion! The number of herds containing Jerseys in this province has grown from 140 in late 2001 to 622 as of September 30, 2010!! That is an increase of....wait for it..........344%!!! 2010 marks the first year that the number of herds containing Jerseys has been over 600!

No surprise that there has been an increase of 186% in the number of Jersey cows on milk recording in Quebec as well!
The province just to the west of Quebec, Ontario has certainly fueled demand for Jersey cows in Quebec with loads and loads of cattle!

The story simply gets better and better each year and we are motivated and inspired by this growth and also very thankful!

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