Friday, October 30, 2009

What a pick-me-up!!!

Cloudy, rainy, grey, end of October day......not completely conducive to feeling an explosion of internal energy and joy and light, etc., etc.......and arrives that sure "gets yer motor runnin"!
We've just gained access to some stats that "blow us right out of the water"!
Try these on for size.....

From late 2001 to late 2009 the number of milk-recorded Jersey herds in Canada that contain Jerseys has grown from 607 to 1172!! Were you aware that this kind of growth represents a 93% increase!!??
Were you aware that during the same time period the overall number of milk-recorded herds has declined by 18%?

Were you aware that in the same time period (2001 to 2009) the number of Jersey cows on milk-recording in Canada has climbed by 16%!!?? Yes, 16%!!!! During this same time frame the overall number of cows on milk-recording has stayed essentially the same.

Nice to think about what could happen but infinitely much better to celebrate what has happened!

May we enjoy much more of the same!

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