Friday, August 21, 2009

It Is All About Strategy!!

We have been stimulated to do more and deeper thinking about the related issues of creating frozen Jersey embryos and marketing of those embryos of late. It has been interesting to discover how many embryos are available for listing on the Canadian Jersey Embryo Program. It is also valuable to learn why embryos are created in the first place and what plans and strategies embryo owners have for using them or marketing them.

Strategic thinking is important so that everyone gains full value from the good work of embryo transfer companies and the superior genetics involved.

We began thinking about the whole topic of making embryos and either using them within-herd or marketing them. A substantial string of questions came to mind. Here are those questions!


Is this a truly superior Jersey cow? Why do I want embryos from her? Would others want embryos from her? Would I want multiple progeny from this cow in my herd?
- Will there be a demand for embryos from her?
- What traits and accomplishments make her and her embryos appealing to potential buyers?
- Will I be able to do an effective job of telling others about her value and superior traits and of proving her worth?
- Will I only attempt to create embryos when I have a definite order/sale for them?
- Has the cow been DNA tested prior to flushing?
- Am I willing to work with potential buyers on a Mutually Agreeable Sire (MAS)??


Is this sire popular and well-known and respected?
- Is he a rare sire maybe not overly available?
- Would I want progeny from this sire in my herd?
- What are his strengths? Challenges?
- Why would embryo buyers want to have progeny?
- Is he an appropriate mate for this cow?
- Would I be willing to use a sire I am not using in the herd at present to fill an oder for embryos?


Why am I doing the flush?
- Will I retain all embryos and implant them in my herd or in rented or borrowed recipients?
- Do I have recipients available/ready for fresh or frozen embryos?
- Can I withstand the risk that the cow will be non-responder and yield no viable embryos?
- Within what time frame do I target to implant the embryos?
- Do I project having some embryos to sell? Would I be willing to sell all embryos from the flush?
- Once embryos are actually created what is my target time frame for having them sold?
- Can I arrange for implantation of embryos in a local herd? Do I know the health status of that herd?


Are my embryos export-ready?
- Have I consulted with those marketing embryos to establish an appropriate price or price range?
- Is my pricing realistic?
- Have I advertized the availability of these embryos?
- Have I listed embryos on the Canadian Jersey Embryo Program?
- Have I or my embryo practitioner sent documentation on each flush to Jersey Canada for recordation?
- Do I have a website?
- Do I market my embryos via e-mail? Print brochures?
- Am I selling what the market wants?
- What creative ways can I find to market my embryos?
- Would I agree to volume discounts?
- Am I willing to reduce the price to move the embryos and if so by how much?
- How long have I had these embryos in inventory?
- Would I consider consigning my embryos to a regular public auction or to an on-line embryo auction?
- Are my embryos stored so that they can be easily moved once a sale has been made?

This list is far from all-inclusive despite its length! You would be well-advised to consult with those involved in the industry-marketers and embryo transfer/collection companies to continue planning your strategy. As always those who fail to plan, plan to fail and those who plan carefully but with mid to long term flexibility can reap great harvests of genetic improvement and/or marketing revenue!

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